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The treatment of potentially polluting wrecks

Cedre Information Day, 6 October 2003,  Paris.

From rusted shipwrecks of the second World War seeping oil now, to new wrecks requiring emergency intervention, potentially polluting wrecks are numerous and bring about many problems, to begin with three fundamental questions: should we intervene? What for? With what money?
The first question supposes to establish that there is a pollution or a pollution threat. The second one supposes an agreement on a common objective. The third one implies a willingness or a constraint to pay.
True to the tradition of its information days, Cedre built this one around two major subjects, firts the identification of the risks and measures to be taken, second a set of case studies highlighting the range of solutions which have been used. Naturally, the Prestige dossier underway was in the mind of all at discussion time.


Morning session Chairman Mr Jean-René Garnier, Secrétaire général de la Mer


Theme : from risk assessment to intervention

Tools and techniques for monitoring a potentially polluting wreck by Jean Croquette and Jean-François Drogou, IFREMER PDFs only avalaible in French 
application/pdf Les outils et techniques de surveillance d’une épave potentiellement polluante - 1application/pdf Les outils et techniques de surveillance d’une épave potentiellement polluante - 2

Inventories of potentially polluting wrecks by Fanch Cabioch, Cedre PDF only avalaible in French 
application/pdf Les inventaires d’épaves potentiellement polluantes

Erika: an example of industrial management of risk neutralisation by Pierre Guyonnet, TOTAL S.A.
 application/pdf Erika: an example of industrial management of risk neutralisation

Treating a hazard for Environment and Shipping : the Tricolor by VA Pinon, Préfet maritime Manche - mer du Nord PDF only avalaible in French 
application/pdf Le traitement d’un danger pour l’environnement et la navigation : le Tricolor



Afternoon session Chairman Mr Kevin Colcomb, Maritime Coastguard Agency, U.K.


Theme : problems and their solutions

The action plan of REPSOL YPF in the case of the Prestige : results obtained by Ramón Hernán, E&P Repsol YPF, Espagne
 application/pdf The action plan of REPSOL YPF in the case of the Prestige : results obtained

Dealing with a wreck stranded on a port breakwater : the Coral Bulker by Capt. Raul Henrique Isidro Valente, Direccao Geral da Autoridade Marítima, Portugal and Eng. Alvaro Guidotti, Titan Maritime Ltd, U.K.
application/pdf Dealing with a wreck stranded on a port breakwater : the Coral Bulker - Titan

application/pdf Dealing with a wreck stranded on a port breakwater : the Coral Bulker - Autoridade Maritima

When further action is needed after partial response: the Castillo de Salas by Gloria Lopez, SASEMAR, Espagne
 application/pdf When further action is needed after partial response: the Castillo de Salas

An environmental restoration programme 12 years after : the Haven by Ezio Amato, ICRAM, Italie 
application/pdf An environmental restoration programme 12 years after : the Haven - 1

application/pdf An environmental restoration programme 12 years after : the Haven - 2

Last update on 18/04/2014
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