REMANTAS, 2012-2016
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering: a new on-site real-time analysis method for water quality monitoring
Dates | Budget | Funding | Coordinator | Partners |
2012-2016 | €3,110K €1,080K (ANR) | ANR, Programme ECOTECH 2011 (Joint funding) | Ifremer - Interfaces et Capteurs, Brest | Cedre Laboratoire de Chimie, Structure et Propriétés des Biomatériaux et Agents Thérapeutiques de l’Université de Paris 13 Laboratoire de Nanotechnologie et d'Instrumentation Optique de l’Université de Technologie de Troyes |
As part of its missions, Cedre is tasked with determining water quality, in terms of contamination, following spill events. The REMANTAS project, by developing a field analysis tool for the detection of organic contaminants, extends the range of tools available at Cedre in order to monitor anthropic products released into the aquatic environment (seawater and groundwater). Furthermore, this analytical system, based on innovative technology (surface-enhanced Raman scattering), should enable the detection of a wide spectrum of molecules, some of which are currently unquantifiable by Cedre’s laboratory.
The project draws upon scientific and technical innovation for the development of field analysis methods: the coupling of a (bio)chemical sensor able to pre-concentrate selected contaminants in water with surface-enhanced Raman scattering, a technique chosen for its qualitative and quantitative analytical performance.
The REMANTAS project aims to measure 10 pollutants featured on the list of priority hazardous substances under the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC among the 100 chemicals most transported by sea.
More information
Project description
ANR (The French National Research Agency) website