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OCEANWISE, 2018-2022

Wise reduction of EPS marine litter in the North-East Atlantic Ocean














including €2,140K ERDF (European Regional Development Fund)

Co-funding: partners and

Interreg Atlantic (via ERDF)



DRGM - Direção-Geral dos Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos (Portugal)

DHPLG - Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government (Ireland)

BIM - Bord Iascaigh Mhara (Ireland)

Cedre (France)

Cefas - Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (United Kingdom)

CETMAR - Centro Tecnológico del Mar (Spain)

Seabird (France)

REPAK (Ireland)

Sociedade Pontoverde (Portugal)

Sustainable Innovations (Spain)

NOVA - FCT - Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia,(Portugal)

Université Bretagne Sud (France)

MaREI-UCC - University College Cork (Ireland)


OceanWise, funded by the European Interreg Atlantic Area programme, aims to jointly develop a set of long-term measures to reduce the impact of expanded polystyrene (EPS) products in the North-East Atlantic Ocean, thereby improving the protection of biodiversity and marine ecosystem services.

To tackle this challenge, 13 partners have come together from Spain, France, Ireland, Portugal and the United Kingdom and from various sectors: organisations responsible for the marine environment, waste management and recycling. Based on the concepts of a more efficient use of resources, a circular economy and participatory methods, the project aims to generate new and more sustainable practices in the sectors which use, produce, process and recycle EPS.



OceanWise falls within a transnational framework to support public policies relating to the protection of the marine environment. It comes under action n°49 of the OSPAR Convention's  Regional Action Plan for Marine Litter. This action focuses on the prevalence and impact of EPS in the marine environment and on engaging with industry to make proposals for alternative materials and/or how to reduce its impacts.

Ocean Wise is also in line with the European Circular Economy Package and contributes to the targets of achieving Good Environmental Status of the marine environment as set out in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).


Do you want to help reduce ocean pollution by expanded end extruded polystyrene? Do you want to promote a more circular economy for expanded and extruded polysterene? Get involved in the OceanWise project by registering with our online platform:

By doing so, you can share your experience and, in return, be updated on the progress of the project.


Project website :



More information

Newsletter n° 2 - February2021

Newsletter n° 1 - January 2021

Project poster

Cedre. 2019. OceanWise European project meeting. Cedre information bulletin, n° 39, p. 15

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