LOSTCONT, 2006-2008
Practical and operational response to issue of containers lost overboard by ships in the Bay of Biscay and the surrounding area
Dates | Budget | Funding | Coordinator | Partners |
2006-2008 | €1,356K | FEDER (Atlantic Area Interreg Program) (Joint funding) | SGAR - Préfecture de la région d'Aquitaine (France) | Instituto Portuario e dos Transportes Maritimos, (Portugal) Cedre (France) Maritime Prefecture of Atlantic (France) SASEMAR (Spain) |
The LostCont (Lost Containers) project aims to address the maritime safety issues raised by the overboard loss of containers in the Bay of Biscay. To enhance knowledge in this field and improve partners’ response capacity across the whole of the area concerned, this project draws upon past experience to put forward a joint approach by pooling knowledge, promoting experience acquired and calling upon external skills. The goal of the project is to improve the response capacity in case of a maritime safety risk caused by the overboard loss of containers at sea and to provide recommendations to international organisations such as EMSA and IMO.
The work carried out as part of this project contributed towards the updating and republishing in 2011 of the French version of the operational guide “Conteneurs et colis perdus en mer”.
More information
KREMER X. 2009. Projet Lostcont : les conteneurs perdus par les navires dans le golfe de Gascogne et ses abords.
Bulletin d'information du Cedre, n° 25, pp. 14-16