ECOTOX, 2012-2014
Contribution to the study of oil-dispersant mixtures on a temperate species, the seabass Dicentrarchus labrax: application to a cold water species
Dates | Budget | Funding | Coordinator | Partners |
2012-2014 | €210K | Total | Cedre, Brest |
Given the gaps in current knowledge of the toxicity of oil-dispersant mixtures, it appeared essential to conduct research in order to obtain the quantitative and objective scientific data required to understand the impact of these chemical compounds on the marine environment. Within this context, the aim of this project was threefold: initially to characterise the acute toxicity of different oil-dispersant mixtures by conducting LC50 tests (concentration at which a substance will kill 50% of the test population), then to further explore this characterisation by examining any sublethal effects on a temperate species (seabass), and finally to assess the possibility of transposing them to a cold water species.
The work conducted at Cedre and at UBO provided matter for a PhD, defended in April 2014 by Matthieu Dussauze.
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AMOP paper