Shoreline response
Shoreline response techniques in the event of a spill.
Every pollution incident is an individual case and there is no single cure-all solution. However, there are certain fundamental cleanup principles which can be adapted according to the situation and how it evolves.
There are a multitude of techniques available for response.
They differ according to:
→ the characteristics of the contamination (extent, scattered or concentrated character over space and time,
nature of the oil and types of deposits)
→ the characteristics of the site: its accessibility, exposure, the nature of the substrates, the presence of debris
→ the uses and the sensitivity of the site.
The information contained in this section of our website is designed for volunteers and all responders working on shoreline cleanup sites who have little or no previous knowledge of pollution response, are in charge of cleanup on land and on the shoreline. Certain categories of responders should however undergo more in-depth training or otherwise justify their experience for handling chemicals or specific response equipment (such as booms, skimmers...), supervising operations and training responders.
NB: The datasheets presented in this section are taken from the "Oiled Shoreline Cleanup Manual" produced as part of the POSOW project.