Prestige and international cooperation
Cedre Information Day, 9 March 2006, Paris
To face a major pollution, in the open sea, and threatening several countries, resorting to international cooperation’s mechanisms is a necessity today. After those of the Erika and Ievoli Sun, the Prestige incident benefited a quick implementation of the existing bilateral or multilateral agreements between Spain, France and the other european countries.
Whether it is a question of information, or use of techniques and aerial, maritime or land means, we have now sufficient hindsight to draw conclusions and learn of that wide-ranging cooperation, and that in terms of mobilization, implementation, cost and performance.
In the tradition of its Information days, the Cedre has gathered the actors of that cooperation to implement constructive discussions and to strengthen the confident relations established during the Prestige operations. Mutual confidence between cooperation partners is essential: it is a determining factor of success
Morning session Chairman Mr Jean-Claude Vial, directeur-adjoint de l’Eau, ministère de l’Écologie et du Développement durable
Theme : strategy of cooperation
Regional agreements of cooperation and their running during Prestige’s pollution by Daniel Silvestre, Direction des affaires maritimes
The Biscaye plan : implementation during Prestige’s pollution and recent evolution by Jesus Uribe, Espagne PDF only avalaible in French
Information’s circulation and diffusion by Christophe Rousseau, Cedre
The EMSA, its means and its possible contribution in a futur accident by Bernd Bluhm, EMSA
Afternoon session Chairman Mr Alain Verdeaux, chargé de mission au secrétariat général de la Mer
Theme : techniques of cooperation
Land response and restoration of the sites by Xoán Nóvoa Rodríguez, CEPRECO, Espagne
Disposal of the specialized response ships : Prestige’s lessons by Jan Kool, Rijkswaterstaat, Pays-Bas
A realtime aero-satellite cover on the Biscay Bay’s scale by Georges Peigné, Cedre
Prestige’s wreck processing : cooperation before, during and after operations by Michel Girin, Cedre