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P&O Nedlloyd Mondriaan

P&O Nedlloyd Mondriaan
Accident date
Accident area
15 km off Terschellingen Island
Spill area
Cause of spill
Weather conditions
Nature of pollutant
diverse objects (tennis shoes, children's toys...)
Quantity spilled
58 containers
Ship / structure type
Container ship
Built date
IHI Marine United Ltd., Kure, Japan
335 m
42.8 m
P&O Nedlloyd Container Line Limited, London and Rotterdam, Great Britain and Holland

On 9 February 2006, the Liberian container ship P&O Nedlloyd Mondriaan was travelling from Southampton (England) to Hamburg (Germany) when it was got caught in a storm off the Dutch coast. As the vessel rolled with the waves, 58 containers tumbled overboard.

Nine landed intact on the beach and two others were stuck in the breakers. Others had sunk or were drifting around. The charterer P&O Nedlloyd Container Line Limited assured that the containers had no hazardous materials in them. The following day, beaches of the Dutch island of Terschellingen were covered with tennis shoes, aluminium briefcases and children's toys.

It should be mentioned that 10 days later, the P&O Nedlloyd Mondriaan encountered again bad weather conditions in the Bay of Biscay and lost 50 empty containers. On the same day in the same storm in about the same location, the CMA-CGM Otello also lost 50 boxes.


- Bureau Veritas, 2006, Pertes de conteneurs à la mer
- Projet Lostcont, 2008, Réponse au problème des conteneurs perdus par les navires de passage dans le Golfe de Gascogne et ses approches
- International Longshoremen Association
- Blue Star on the web

Last update on 16/02/2010

See also

CMA-CGM Normandie, Date : 27/03/2001, Location : Singapore

CMA-CGM Otello, Date : 17/02/2006, Location : Atlantic

CMA-CGM Verdi, Date : 18/02/2006, Location : Spain

Ever Decent, Date : 28/08/1999, Location : Great Britain

MSC Carla, Date : 24/11/1997, Location : Portugal

MSC Napoli, Date : 18/01/2007, Location : Western Channel

Sherbro, Date : 08/12/1993, Location : France

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