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Princess Anne Marie

Princess Anne Marie
Accident date
Accident area
300 miles off the Australian coastline
Spill area
Cause of spill
Structural damage
Product transported
crude oil
Quantity transported
62, 800 tonnes
Quantity spilled
14, 800 tonnes
Ship / structure type
Oil tanker
Built date

The incident

On the 14th July 1975, 300 nautical miles off the coast of Australia, the oil tanker Princess Anne Marie sent out a distress signal to the Marine Operations Centre in Canberra. A crack on its hull measuring 13 by 6 metres was reported and caused some 14,800 tonnes of oil to be released into the sea.

The commercial vessel British Unity was diverted to assist. The two vessels were initially directed to the Port of Fremantle and then to Barrow Island, which was considered to be less environmentally sensitive. The vessel was inspected 50 nautical miles off the coast of Barrow Island.


On the 16th of July a team of experts in ship repair and spill response were sent to board the vessel. The assessment concluded that the breach had been caused by excessive constraints on the hull.

The oil tanker Donovania was diverted to transfer the 48,000 tonnes of oil remaining aboard the vessel.

Pumping operations from the Princess Anne Marie to the Donovania began on the 30th July and lasted 4 days. No spills were reported during these operations.


On the 9th October 1975, after undergoing temporary repairs, the Princess Anne Marie headed slowly for the Port of Singapore, accompanied by a Singapore-based tug, to be repaired in dry dock.

Last update on 09/10/2013

External links

AMSA, Incident report

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