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Choice and lists of sorbents

Cedre produces and updates a list of floating sorbents that have been tested and approved. This list encompasses products which show efficient sorption and are sufficiently hydrophobic to be able to be used in water.

Choice of sorbents

This information aims at helping those in charge of stocks to choose supplies. The first factor influencing their choice may be the cost of the product per litre of trapped oil, which can be determined using the retention capacity in weight and the price of the product. Other factors may be the sorption capacity in weight, the sorption capacity in volume, the compatibility of the product with the deployment means (e.g. projection), the recovery means and the chemical nature of the sorbent (to allow for its elimination after use).


Lists of sorbents tested and approved by Cedre

 Characteristics of floating sorbent for use at sea and in inland waters according to AFNOR standard NFT 90-360
application/pdf Floating sorbents tested and approved by Cedre

Contact details of manufacturers/suppliers of floating sorbents tested and approved by Cedre for use at sea and in inland waters
application/pdf Coordonnées absorbants flottants

Characteristics of universal sorbents for use on land (Standard NFT90-361)
application/pdf Universal sorbents tested and approved by Cedre

Contact details of manufacturers/suppliers of universal sorbents for use on land
application/pdf Universal sorbent manufacturers

Last update on 05/05/2014
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