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IMAROS 2 project: working group and tests in Finland

February 2025

Two engineers from Cedre travelled to Kotka (Finland) as part of the European IMAROS 2 project, funded by the European Commission (DG-ECHO), to take part in a working group and tests involving the project partners. Cedre presented the results of the physico-chemical characterisation of low sulphur fuel oils (LSFOs) obtained through the project, as well as the initial results of Polludrome® tests on their behaviour and tests on their persistence in the natural environment.

The team also observed a series of LSFO recovery tests in an ice-infested marine environment, organised by the Finnish Border Guard. Meanwhile, granite plates, to which LSFO had been applied and which had been installed on Ile des Morts (in Brest harbour) for 3 months, were sampled and brought back to Cedre for annual monitoring of the fuel’s natural degradation. Finally, the study on the behaviour and weathering of 3 LSFOs in Cedre’s Polludrome®, under different temperature and salinity conditions, also continued this month.

Last update on 06/03/2025
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