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IMAROS 2 project

28 to 30 May 2024

An engineer from Cedre travelled to Billund (Denmark) to take part in a follow-up meeting on the European IMAROS 2 project, which aims to improve knowledge of the behaviour of low-sulfur fuel oils (LSFOs), in particular their ability to be recovered mechanically at sea and their impact on the coastline.

The meeting focused mainly on evaluating the applications received from reclaimer producers to take part in the trials planned as part of the project, in Norway and Finland.

The meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss the reconnaissance mission to Ile aux Morts (Rade de Brest), which took place on 22 May, with a member of CEPPOL.

Tests on the natural degradation of LSFO, with the installation of granite slabs previously covered with a thin film of different fuel oils, will be carried out there for a period of one year.

Last update on 30/05/2024
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