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n° 333, april 2024

Emergency response

Memorandum of Understanding signed by Natural Resources Canada and Cedre

Launch of French civil protection consultation

Réseau Loire Alerte seminar

CEPPOL / LASEM / Cedre seminar

NSN meeting

French national seminar for mobile labs (VDIP)

Meeting with OUVRY firm

Meeting with Pollustock

Survey on the prevention of plastic pellet losses at industrial sites

Collaboration with Météo France on plastic pellet drift calculations

Quarterly beach litter monitoring in Southern Finistère

Free-LitterAT project presentation meeting

Training for the offshore wind sector

Training for OSRL

IMO level 2 course on "Oil spill response at sea and on the shoreline"

Marine pollution response training course in Ajaccio (Corsica)

Available here!

Last update on 29/05/2024
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