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"Oil spill response at sea and on the shoreline", IMO level 2 course

8 to 12 April 2024

From 8 to 12 April, an IMO level 2 course was organised in English at Cedre and aimed to enhance the trainees' knowledge in case of an oil spill in the offshore energy sector.

During this course, representatives from the Croatian centre ATRACTotalEnergiesRTE and German gas and oil company Wintershall were trained in oil spill response.

The main aims of this course were to improve the trainees' ability to make strategic choices, determine the techniques and equipment to be implemented, and manage pollution incidents.

According to the end-of-course assessments, the trainees now have a solid foundation of practical knowledge and are ready to handle any oil spills that occur at their respective organisations.

Last update on 23/04/2024
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