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Inland waters training course

27 to 31 May 2024

From 27 to 31 May, Cedre organised a standard training course on spill response in inland waters for the port sector, fire brigades, the BSPP, as well as private organisations.

Four trainees from the Korea Environment Corporation also followed this course thanks to French-Korean simultaneous translation.

Once again this year, our trainees attended theory lectures and took part in practical exercises at our facilities, with the release of real oil, as well at natural sites on the banks of the Penfeld river.

During these practical sessions, the trainees had the opportunity apply the knowledge acquired through exercises involving deploying containment equipment, building custom-made barriers, using recovery equipment and gaining hand-on experience of worksite organisation.

The content of our training courses on response in inland waters is transferable and adaptable, meaning that we can offer bespoke training courses tailored to specific needs (choice of site, number of participants, language, duration and topics covered).

Last update on 10/06/2024
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