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IOSC 2024

13 to 16 May, 2024

From Monday 13 May to Thursday 16 May 2024, Cedre was in New Orleans (Louisiana) for the International Oil Spill Conference which was celebrating its 25th anniversary. The event brought together 1,200 attendees and 360 exhibitors from the international oil, chemical and plastic spill response community.

Several Cedre engineers led conferences on: biodiesels, LSFOs, evaporation rates of volatile chemicals, evaluation of response equipment, microplastics (plastic pellets), the use of drones in chemical spill response, as well as best practices to be implemented in European Mediterranean ports.

The conference was also a meeting point for entrepreneurs, researchers, industrialists and other stakeholders, facilitating networking to work together towards common goals through the exchange of ideas and lessons learned from spill response and research worldwide.

Last update on 30/05/2024
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