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Europe Day

For this sixth edition of Europe Day, Brest métropole and the City of Brest have joined forces to launch a call for projects to promote European citizenship and make Europe's action visible in the regions.
For the second year running, Cedre, as part of the European Safer Sea project, took part in the event, welcoming students from the Lycée La Pérouse-Kerichen's Second Euro class on Monday May 6.
A representative of DG ECHO (Directorate-General for Civil Protection, Humanitarian Aid and Environmental Emergency Operations) presented the European institutions and DG ECHO's role in organizing cooperation between European countries during humanitarian and environmental crises, while a representative of DG ENV (Directorate-General for the Environment) presented the environmental programs, in particular the program to reduce marine waste and micro-plastics.
The visit was an opportunity to present Cedre's role and the importance of European collaboration and support in numerous missions and projects. The session ended with a tour of Cedre's facilities.

Last update on 30/05/2024
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