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Enviro-Actions Symposium 2024

28 to 30 May, 2024

At the end of May, Cedre took part in the Enviro-Actions Symposium 2024 in Sept Iles, Quebec. The event was organised by the Centre d'Expertise Industrialo-Portuaire (CEIP), a division of INREST, the Réseau Québec maritime (RQM), the Institut France-Québec Maritime and the Société de développement économique du Saint-Laurent.

It brought together 125 people (academics, private companies, public organisations) to discuss the management of environmental impacts on the shores of the St. Lawrence as a result of port activities, in particular iron ore and aluminium mining in the port of Sept Iles.

A total of 46 presentations were made over the course of the 3-day conference.

The event was also an opportunity for Cedre to present its activities in the field of spill response preparedness, particularly with regard to biodiesel, and to present the ANR Mic Giver project through a scientific poster.

Last update on 30/05/2024
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