Crisis management training - pollution of water resources
18 to 20 June 2024
From 18 to 20 June, Cedre organised a crisis management training course on the pollution of water resources, in collaboration with the company ES2 and IMT Mines Alès.
The course was held in Alès and was attended by 12 participants from the Collectivité du bassin Rennais, Métropole de Grenoble-Alpes, the Gard firebrigade (SDIS 30) as well as the companies Canal de Provence, La Catalane des Eaux - Eau Agglo, Veolia and EDF.
The participants were trained in pollutants, response techniques and the roles of the various players involved, as well as media communication and crisis management.
To conclude the course, the trainees used IMT's crisis simulator to manage a fictitious crisis.