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ASTEE Congress

11 to 13 June 2024

Cedre took part in the 103rd ASTEE Congress, which was held from 11 to 13 June 2024 in Quimper, during which we presented feedback on the interception of litter in stormwater networks in Brest Métropole.

This two-year project, funded by Brest métropole under the Interreg Preventing Plastic Pollution project and carried out in collaboration with OiEau, aims to characterise the presence of litter in rainwater networks and to assess the effectiveness of retention devices installed in the area.

During this conference, the REGARD network was also presented. This network was set up in early 2024 to support local authorities and other stakeholders in reducing plastic macro-litter outputs from wastewater and rainwater systems.

This network, led by Cedre and OiEau and funded by the Loire-Brittany Water Agency, aims to promote innovation, experience sharing and good practice.

Last update on 28/06/2024
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