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Major changes

Cedre is 35 years old and is in the midst of a period of major changes. Its overall budget has reached €5,049,939, up 0.9% from 2013. The internal organisation has been completely recast, with four production departments instead of the previous six, largely to enhance the capacity to accept and complete orders from the private sector. The efforts made have paid off with private sector orders rising by over 15% between 2013 and 2014. A high and increasing share of our activity is based abroad. All our staff are aware of this challenge and strive towards meeting it.

In terms of field response, Cedre has been called out numerous times. However two key incidents stand out. The first involved tarballs washing up on the shores of southern Brittany and on the Atlantic coastline at the beginning of the year. The second was a heavy oil spill in a mangrove area of Bangladesh in December. This response was carried out upon request by the French Ministry of Ecology as well as under an assignment for the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination task force.

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