Last update on 03/04/2015

Physicochemical behavior of chemicals accidentally spilled in a marine environment / Hosna Titah-Benbouzid


Thesis jointly supervised by the University of Western Brittany. PhD jointly supervised by: Mireille PRIVAT, University of Western Brittany

Committee: Philippe GIAMARCHI, Michel GIRIN, Joël KNOERI, Stéphane LE FLOCH, René OLIER, Marek ROGALSKI


Abstract: This collaborative study was carried out by an academic team within UBO and a researcb institution devoted to the management of accidental chemical pollutions at sea issued from shipping and industrial activities (Cedre). Our collection of physico-chemical data relative to four compounds was aimed at both identifying factors still not considered in accident management procedures and clarifying the fundamental laws that rule phenomena already identified as important. This method allowed us to clearly present some relevant, though simple, equations hable to be used in decision-making softwares. Within this tramework, this study dealt with solubility limits and the impact by salinity and temperature. In addition to containing numerous data about solubility, tensions at surface and interface, densities, chemical stability, evaporation rates, this thesis work highlights the key role played by tensions at interfaces in the management of developed layers and contributes to elucidate the impact of salinity and temperature upon solubility values in marine environments.


Bibliographical reference: http://doc.cedre.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=8598

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