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IMO level 3 training in Libreville (Gabon) - ISMI/Cedre for ECCAS countries

From 19 to 22 March, a training course on crisis management in the event of an oil spill at sea was organised in Libreville (Gabon) by the Interregional Maritime Security Institute (ISMI) in partnership with Cedre, with support and funding through French cooperation (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DCSD).

This 4-day training course, delivered in accordance with IMO level 3 standards and led by two trainers from Cedre was attended by 18 representatives from 7 countries (Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon, Guinea Conakry, Togo, Republic of Congo and Senegal). The course mainly focused on the strategic aspects of crisis management. During open sessions, attendees were able to share their experience of planning, training, exercises and management of real spills at national and regional level. Representatives of the UPEGA (Union Pétrolière Gabonaise) and a P&I club also presented their role in the event of a spill. 

The course ended with a tabletop crisis management exercise, during which trainees were able to apply and test the knowledge acquired during the week's training, validated through a final assessment that showed significant collective progress!

Last update on 09/04/2024
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